
“Dismantling rigid concepts
of masculinity is the next step towards
true social progress on gender”


Many people complain about how badly boys and young men behave ‘nowadays’, but not enough is being done to correct such behavior. As previously stated, we must raise the right kind of men to face the challenges of the new age and drive equity within the social structure. We must ensure that men become their best selves and so positively impact the communities in which they live. Our programmes are focused on supporting men to make the necessary changes to how they see life and respond to its challenges, also preparing them for success in life.

Monthly Conversations

Monthly Conversations was conceived as an initiative that uses the medium of conversations for sharing experiences and coming to shared insights and understandings about life and events in the lives of participants. It is a form of group mentoring. The Conversations provide a platform for discussions around the challenges and concerns people have in a ‘safe space’ and in a group context and will hopefully help participants interrogate issues in their lives.

Research & Development

We have commenced research into harmful behavioural patterns which appear to be on the increase among youths, such as rape, depression, drug/substance abuse… Gathering and documenting information is the first step to understanding a problem. We hope our research will provide valuable insights. Our documentaries will support our research initiatives by interrogating the same issues in video taped conversations with diverse individuals.

Pass the Mic

This is a social hub for entertainment, socialising and sharing literary or other talents primarily for 25 – 35 year olds (millennials). It’s an opportunity to share the spoken word, song, poetry and opinions (through conversation) within a fun setting. Also … All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Talking boys Series

The Talking boys series is focused on the importance of raising good men in society, good sons, good husbands, good fathers, good leaders. Without good men society cannot advance. Talking boys beams a search light on challenges and issues relating to boys and men, so that strenuous efforts can be made to retrieve our men, our sons, our society.

Annual Conference

Our Annual Conference provides an opportunity to engage with a wider audience on general issues concerning men or of interest to men, whether on gender paradigms, business or other subjects on a global, universal interest level.

Business Clinics

The Business Clinic is a programme designed to train aspiring business men in the rudiments of starting and managing a business. It will also provide advisory support for budding entrepreneurs.


boys to MEN Foundation recognizes the positive impact mentoring can have, and is using mentoring as a framework for professional and life skills learning for the young men we interact with. We hope our intervention through mentorship will be a significant factor in changing the lives of boys and young men for the better and improving the current dismal social narrative. Society needs all the help it can get!

Webinar Series

The boys to MEN Foundation webinar series addresses topical issues related to life, career, business – indeed any subject matter that has relevance in today’s world.

Our Community Outreach – My Brothers Keeper

We have found through our Becoming My Best Self programme
that some children are unable to advance their education. We will
periodically sponsor the brightest of such children

Support Our Initiatives

If you wish to support any of these initiatives, kindly make transfers to our account with details provided.

Account Information

Bank Name: Sterling Bank
Account Name: boys to MEN Foundation (Meals 4 Kids)
Account Number: 0082581050