
There is no limit to the human capacity for doing good.

Community Outreach

‘There is no limit to the human capacity for doing good’ expresses the philosophy behind using the infinity symbol as our logo for our Community Outreach, My Brothers Keeper. My Brothers Keeper is the love initiative of the Foundation. We believe that every NGO should engage in charitable projects outside their raison d’etre. Our community outreach is threefold; Meals 4 Kids, Project Mother Love and Limited University Scholarships

Meals 4 Kids programme

Our Meals 4 Kids programme provides free, nutritious meals to 300 children in vulnerable communities in Lagos, every month. The programme is 100% funded through donations received from individuals.
‘If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.’ Mother Theresa of Calcutta

Project Mother Love

Project Mother Love extends our sponsor’s generosity to mothers within these communities, providing foodstuff and other household items to supplement what they have. We use in-kind donations from corporate organisations and individuals to achieve this.

University Scholarships

Limited University Scholarships – We have found through our Becoming My Best Self programme that some children are unable to advance their education because their families are unable to sponsor them. We will periodically sponsor the brightest of such children for higher education and will dedicate specific funds for such interventions.

Our Community Outreach – My Brothers Keeper

Will you Support our Initiatives?

Support Our Initiatives

If you wish to support any of these initiatives, kindly make transfers to our account with details provided.

Account Information

Bank Name: Sterling Bank
Account Name: boys to MEN Foundation (Meals 4 Kids)
Account Number: 0082581050